No more Russia for the rest of the 21st century?

Juris Kaža
5 min readApr 13, 2022

A civilized Europe must prepare for decades, if not a century ‘without Russia’. Not literally, as it would be if, with hugely devastating global side effects, Moscow triggered an exchange of nuclear strikes and left a “glass desert” — melted sand — instead of Moscow. This, hopefully, will not happen.

Rather, Russia will be associated for a long time with a “rogue state” and also with a degraded, psychologically and socially crippled to the point of blind ignorant aggression warped Russian nation — Ruskiy Mir. If not already, it will soon produce…



Juris Kaža

A freelance journalist based in Riga, Latvia who has covered the country and region for 20 years. Speak native Latvian and English, fluent Swedish and German.